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JOPEDO is a non-governmental organization registered under the NGO’s Act No 24, of 2002 as amended in 2005 with a Certificate No; 00NGO/R/1287. The organization endeavors to unleash the potential of disadvantaged women, children and other to succeed in life through providing education, specialized crèche, health care, livelihood skills and community development services.

Gender development are fundamental to our work. The main objective for establishing the organization is to ensure better improvement at individual and community living of the marginalized groups in Tanzania

JOPEDO Thematic Area

Farming in Africa is a daunting task, not just for women but also men. However, African women are more vulnerable within the agricultural ecosystem because of the unfavourable gender divide. Some systematic and legislative gender divide frameworks are negatively impacting women's agricultural outputs. For example, some women in Africa.

Social Services'

Rather than aiding the poorest citizens, the earliest programs were social security schemes designed to assist affluent wage-earners, predominantly white, in their retirement. The majority, who made meagre wages or subsisted through barter exchange, did not qualify for benefits. African welfare programs remain underdeveloped and their qualifying criteria

JOPEDO works close with community members to push the agenda on, women’s right to property inheritance and land. Our plan is to organize women forums to advocate for ownership of property and land to increase participation in decision making, while fighting unwanted behavior that has a bearing on women’s rights like gender-based violence.

Women Empowerment'

Our Success Stories

Our Sponsors

The organization endeavors to unleash the potential of disadvantaged women, children and other to succeed in life through providing education, specialized crèche, health care, livelihood skills and community development services. more+.....

Contact Details

+255 (0) 766 567 701
+255 (0) 784 500 113
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 P.O.Box 397, Ward: Luchelele, District: Nyamagana, Region: Mwanza: