JOPEDO sees these values as critical and integral to the work we are doing:

  • Transformational: JOPEDO believes that for meaningful sustainable transformation to occur it must be tackled at three levels: individual empowerment and responsibility, community revitalization, and societal transformation. Holistic transformation occurs within all aspects of individual and community life, including the psychological, physical, spiritual, economic, political, and sociocultural dimensions of living
  • Highly effective: JOPEDO seeks to be catalysts of transformation to make the mostsignificant lasting solutions using the limited resources available. This indicatesthat JOPEDO is strategic in using its scarce resources, limiting itself to addressing afew priority issues and those in highest need. We also ensure accountability inhow the resources are used.
  • Excellent: JOPEDO believes that those we serve deserve the best of our services.We are an organization that is continually learning and sharing; creating modelsof good practice that can be replicated locally, nationally, regionally and worldwidely.
  • Relational: JOPEDO recognizes the importance of good relationships and strong,mutually beneficial partnerships. We seek to put those we are serving first whilebeing humble and learning from others.
  • Empowering: JOPEDO seeks to strengthen the capacities and address thevulnerabilities of those we serve. This also includes encouraging, development ofskills and access to resources for self-sufficiency.
  • Passionate: JOPEDO is passionate about those we work for and passionate in all thatwe do. We seek to be creative and imaginative in finding sustainable solutions toaddressing issues of poverty and injustice.


The organization endeavors to unleash the potential of disadvantaged women, children and other to succeed in life through providing education, specialized crèche, health care, livelihood skills and community development services. more+.....

Contact Details

+255 (0) 766 567 701
+255 (0) 784 500 113
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 P.O.Box 397, Ward: Luchelele, District: Nyamagana, Region: Mwanza: